My photo
I am a stay-at-home mom of five beautiful children. Madison (7) in 1st grade, Ryan (6) in Kindergarten, Morgan (4), Connor (2) and Zachary (10 mos) at home with me. I love scrapbooking and cardmaking but my kids keep me too busy to do those as much as I'd like.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I know...

It's been forever since I wrote anything. I think from now on I'm going to come up with a topic and just write. That way I'll have to do it everyday!!

So much has happend since the last time...Aaron is working, Morgan had her birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving. I'll add pics later, I'm not at home right now so I don't have any files.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Wow, it's been over a month since I posted an entry!! Since then, it seems as though my world is collapsing around me!! So, what's happened since the end of August?

Madison's 3rd birthday was August 30th. She got a "Princess Castle" cake.

Ryan's 2nd birthday was September 18th. He got a "Lego" cake.

We went to the zoo for the second time this year. St. Francis had their annual Zoo Day which is really fun. All alumni and their families can get in at a discounted rate and have lunch etc. The kids got their faces painted and got to meet "Johnny Cougar".

Speaking of St. Francis, the football team broke their 54 game (8 years!!), regular season winning streak last week, with a loss to Ohio Dominican. Chances are, we'll see them again in the playoffs!!

Aaron took a job with Banker's Life and Casualty, selling insurance and Medicare supplements. It's strictly commission which is why my world seems to be collapsing!! There is alot of stress when there's no money coming in. However, we're very confident that he will be successful at it and we've put it all in God's hands.

Well that's about all of the important things. Morgan's first birthday is right around the corner and of course Halloween. Hopefully it won't be another month 'til my next post!!

Friday, August 24, 2007


Since I don't have any pictures of Morgan on the blog, I decided to post for the second time today, just so I could put a picture of her up. I really wanted to add to a video but I can't get that to work. Oh well, here she is!! She's just learning to get around and trying to stand up. She's doing really well. I sometimes feel really bad for her because the other two kids try to pull her and move here. She's probably thinking, "Would you people leave me alone? I want to walk!!!"
So cute!!!!!

Ahhhhh, Sweet Procrastination

Ok, admit it, you know there has been a time in your life (if not everyday like me!) that you know you need to do something and you just keep putting it off. This is the story of one such times...

A couple of weeks ago, Aaron and I took the kids to visit his parents in Huntington. The van was getting low on gas so I told myself we would just get some when we got back to Fort Wayne (50 miles later). Usually when my "Low Fuel" light comes on I've got at least 60-70 miles before I MUST get gas. When we got home, my sister Mary called me to see if I wanted to go to the hospital to see Tim's (our brother) new baby. Of course I wanted to, who wouldn't. I told her that I needed to get gas but that we'd probably be fine until we got to the gas station by the hospital. This would not be a problem if you don't make any additional stops on the way!!! Mary wanted to stop by a friend's house and pick up some movies, which we did. It was only about 5 minutes (and 1 mile) out of our way. So, we're driving along and sure enough as you've probably already figured out, we run out of gas, LESS THAN 1 MILE FROM THE GAS STATION!!! I was completely embarrassed, but not Mary, she jumped out of the van and started pushing it while I steered. I turned into the gas station and had to get up a hill, which I couldn't because as everyone knows you can't coast UP hill. There happened to be a really nice kid out changing the trash bags in the parking lot. He looked at me and I said "You need to come over here and help us." He already knew that, he was already walking toward us. The attendant inside the building had the nerve to tell Mary that she looked tired when she came in to buy a water!! He was kidding of course!! So, it was so histerical and yet so humiliating all in one!! Let that be a lesson to you all, don't procrastinate!!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away...

I can't believe it's been a week since I posted anything!
The rain this week has really made a mess of the plans we had for the kids.

We were supposed to go to a baseball game on Sunday, that got completely rained out (we're going Friday instead). We ended up going to Chuck E Cheese instead, the kids just love that place. Madison finally figured out how to go down the slide to get out of the "jungle gym". She figured it out so well that I couldn't get her to stop! I fell way behind on using my tokens because I was standing there watching her for so long.

Monday we were supposed to go to the zoo, needless to say that didn't happen either, RAIN!! We went to the mall instead. We had to ride on the carousel, which Ryan loved. That's only his second time riding.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dirty Eggs

Since I have to be at work by 6am, Aaron gets the kids up and ready for the babysitter's everyday. This afternoon he told me this cute little story about today's breakfast adventure...

When making scrambled eggs, I usually spray the pan and turn the stove on, then mix the eggs, add the cheese and pour them in the pan. Apparently Aaron does things the same way. This morning, after spraying the pan and turning on the stove, Morgan started crying (don't worry, the house didn't burn down!!). He went and changed her diaper and then came back to the pan. Of course the spray had started to turn brown by that point, but have no fear, it's still OK to cook in. Everything was going just fine until the kids started eating the eggs and Madison said to Aaron, "Daddy, this one is dirty". He told her to eat it anyway, which she did. She came across another one and proceeded to tell him that "this one is dirty too!!!". Of course he made her eat all of her breakfast, but she ate really slow!! I must say I don't blame her!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bedtime Adventures!!!

Last night was the kid's first night in their new bunkbeds and it only took us until 10:30 pm to get them to sleep (normally we start the bedtimes at around 7:00 pm, a little later right now due to it being summer)!!

Madison was so excited that she was going to get to sleep on the top bunk, until it was actually time to go to bed, then the bunkbeds were "scary". Ryan's been sleeping in a crib until this point so this was a TOTALLY new experience for him. Since it was so new, we decided that we'd put them both in the bedroom at the same time (normally Ryan goes to bed first and about 20 minutes later Madison goes in to bed).

So, Madison started on the top, Ryan on the bottom. That didn't work so Ryan went to the top and Madison came down to the bottom. Once again, no deal. They both came down to the bottom, then both up to the top (one time with Madison on the outside / Ryan by the wall, and one time with Ryan on the outside / Madison by the wall). Eventually we ended up putting Madison to bed by herself, on the top bunk and let her fall completely asleep (approximately 3 minutes after leaving the room!!) . Next Ryan went to his bottom bunk, and after reading him one 5 page book, he was out cold!!

Poor Morgan, she sleeps in the same room but can't go to bed until the other two are asleep because they'll keep her awake!!! She started to get sooooo crabby by the time she actually got to go to bed. I think she may have actually fallen asleep sitting up on the living room floor while she waited.

Tonight, we didn't get bedtime started until 8 or 8:30pm and the two older kids were asleep by 10pm. Not Morgan though, she didn't actually get to sleep until about midnight. Oh well, I think we're getting better!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My First Ever Blog Post!!

This is my very first posting on my blog...

My name is Pam, I've been married to Aaron for four years. We have three beautiful kids, Madison, Ryan and Morgan (all under the age of three!!). We have no pets, oops take that back, we have six fish.

I decided to write a blog as a sort of "diary" for myself, so I can keep and share stories of our lives. Aaron is currently looking for a job, therefore we could have to relocate. If that's the case, I want my friends and family to be able to check my blog and see how we're doing.